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Week 2 Certification:Viral Marketing: Crafting Shareable Content

Good Evening My Fierce Readers,

Im here today with a new post, this time I will be analyzing the video "CViral Marketing: Crafting Shareable Content". The most usful thing abuot was everthing for me it was a very interesting watch. I really enjoyed the intro seciton on contatious content. This stood out to me becaue I am creating my own company an these are thing that will help me succeed. With starting my own business that is heavy with a online pressence is vital that i reach a large audince and that my business spreads. The piece about " whe we care we share" touched me bcaus it reminds me when creating content for my company i need to make sure it includes emotion.This video was important to my career path because I am going to have to do lots of my own content sharing, and creation of media assets.Jonah Berger showed me that advertiins and promotions and business is more that just the content that creates it but it is the emotions and triggerst hat go into it.

I hope you enjoyed my analysis, and feel free to leave some feedback. Keep your eyes ready for the next post.

timeUntil next my Fierce readers.

Stay Fierce!

Yours Truly,


Jazzalette Wandrick

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