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Week 4 Reflection: RISE Peer Review

Why Hello Fierce Readers,

Im here today with a week 4 post for my Career Development class. This week I’m going to be doing a peer review using the RISE Peer Review Model. I had the pleasure of reviewing my classmate Kia Washington's week 3 Project: Mock Interview

Check out her week 3 project creation below and contunue reading....

Lets Jump right in......

Peer Review For Kia Washington:

Project Link:

First let me start off by saying, Kia I really enjoyed reviewing your mock interview you did a great job.


Now lets reflect on your mock interview. What struck me about your video the most was that it was to the point and had great energy. You did great with the different outfit choices showcasing the difference between the interviewer and the interviewee. You did a great job at providing information form both sides. I can tell you are very passionate about your career and as well as providing that passion to an organization. This also made me want to revisit my mock interview and look at the flow of my video to make sure my explanations are coming through just as clear. As well as to make sure that my explanations show my passion as well.


I’m Inquiring to ask did you know your audio comes through a little low even when turned up loud? What made you choose this position? Were you interest in the company prior to this assignment? This was a great piece and you could find place to add pieces to enhance its already great quality more.


After looking at your Mock Interview all the piece are there just improving small pieces would not take away from the whole video. Just by adding in small details like a dissolve transition help bring some more of that detailed quality. Small elements will help it fill more personal like a little more lighting and using a portable microphone to help with the audio quality. By raising the computer so we can see more of your face.


Finally lets elevate your mock interview. The video does a really great job at showcasing who you are on a professional level and your skills. It is simple but still very powerful and leaves some knowledge of what you are capable of. The one small thing that I think you can improve in your mock interview is by like stated fixing the lighting and audio. As well as you could change the background of the interviewer so it will be different from the interviewee. Just to add some more color and to make the effect of the videoconference more present. This will give it more of an eye candy factor as well. But this is only a suggestion. You did a really great job in creating this mock interview plus I can tell you put a lot of hard work into it. Happy that I had the opportunity to review it.

I hope you enjoyed my creations, and feel free to leave some feedback. Keep your eyes ready for the next post.

Until next time my Fierce readers.

Stay Fierce!

Yours Truly,


Jazzalette Wandrick

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