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Week 4 Project: MultiMedia Career Advice Blog

Hey My Fierce Readers,

Im here today with a new post, this time I have created career advice blog post. Creating a MultiMedia Career Advice Blog post will help further distill the details of my ability to obtain a job in the Media Communications industry that shows an employer I have the "know how" to execute my skills creatively as a media professional.

Lets Jump Right in....

I have had a passion for media communications long before there was an actual degree available for it, not knowing it. But, there was a time when I was trying to expand my knowledge I came upon Full Sail University. Discovering that they had created a degree in the Bachelors of Science program in Media Communications.

I started my new educational and life journey.

Check out a video from my start at Full Sail University:

I made that discovery two years ago and it was the best thing that could ever happen to me. I have now came to the end of my journey and I am now a 2016 graduate of the Bachelors of Science Media Communications degree program at Full Sail University.

Check out my journey through Full Sail University:

By taking this voyage though Full Sail University I was able to define who I was as a media professional and gain the knowledge and experience to have a prosperous future. Full sail raises the bar in learning from teaching pitches, mockups, and virtual resumes. To virtual communications, networking, design to reliable interpersonal skills. Full Sails really make sure their students are prepared for real world experiences.

Check out a few projects I created while obtaining my degree at Full Sail University:

Post Card

Guerrilla Marketing Plsn

Mood Board


The media communications program gave me the confidence to go after what I want in the media world. To see the bigger picture, plus plan for my future.

Now I would like to help other media communications professional to go after what they want in the media world by making sure they have a few tools that they will need to have a prosperous future also.

Now let me give you some insight into being great in the professional media world.

5 Tips To Being A Successful

Media Communication Professional

Tip #1: Resume & Cover Letter Advice

It is very important to take time an create a really good resume and cover letter. Your resume is your first impression to a potential employer. An impressive resume will allow you to stand out from the countless other applicants. A cover letter is essentially a letter of introduction that you include with your job application to grab the employer's attention and summarize - at a very high level -- what's in your resume. It is in the cover letter that you explain who you are and why you are applying for the specific job. Understand that your resume is a "fact-sheet," while the cover letter is your "sales pitch" to the employer. Particular aspects of your resume need to be emphasized, expanding on your stronger points and using as many keywords as are relevant to the requirements of the particular position. In short, your cover letter should be unique and job-specific.

Seth Porges from also has some great tips in the article “6 Secrets To Writing A Great Cover Letter”.

Naomi Shavin also from Made great points in the article ”Tips For The Perfect Resume And Cover Letter”.

Tip #2: Business Card Advice

Your business card is often a potential customer’s first contact with your company; you want to engage with them as well as encourage them to find out more about you and what you do. One of the best ways to do this, is with a well-designed, simple to understand card.

Sucessful Business Card Tips:

  1. Make the card Reliable:

  • Make sure all information is correct answering the Who, What When, Where, & Why.

  1. Use QR Codes:

  • Connect Better With New & Perspective Audience

  1. Add Visual Content:

  • Pictures Speak Louder Than Words

  1. Keep It simple:

  • Less is More

  1. Personal Brand and Logo

  • Make sure branding and logos are present and noticeable.

In addition, John Williams gave great tips in creating a stunning business card in the article “The ABCs of Business Cards”.

Tip #3: Interviewing Advice

A person can never be to ready for an interview. It is vital to the interview process that preparation is made before the interview. This will increase your ability in making professional judgments and properly prepare for a interview. Even if you have less than a day before your job interview, you can outshine the competition with a little interview preparation. The following tasks will help in your preparation process.

Here is a video showcasing how to get prepared for a virtual interview:

Here are some interview prepartion tips :

  1. Conduct basic interview research:

  • To prepare for an interview, find out as much as you can beforehand. Call the person who scheduled your interview and ask questions. I wrote a great blog article on this topic that can help you ask the right questions.

  • Check it out here at this link

  1. Learn about the company online

  • Do some fast research, which will give you something to talk about in addition to the job description. Go to the employer's website, or Google information about the company

Here is an article from About Career that gives even more tips on interview preparation.

Tip #4: Portfolio Websites

When applying for a job it is important to send potential employers to a place they can see all the different formats of your work A personal portfolio website is all about promoting you. You are a brand, and your name is a brand name. No one is going to know about your brand unless you get it out there; and if you’re a Media Communications professional or any other type of creative, then it’s essential that you have a good portfolio website.

Chech out my portfolio website:

Site Essentials:


Your logo is a representation of you and The first thing people see.

Make it you, and make it professional.

Tag Line

Your tagline should be short and snappy, summarizing what you do.


Separate Graphics & Videos

People will want to see your previous work to decide whether you’re good or not and for general interest, to see what you’ve been up to in the past.

Put great Effort and Showcase Your Best Work

Services Provided

Go into a bit more detail here about each service that you offer.

About Me

It’s really plus literally all about you in this section.

Let people see the man or woman behind the mask (or in your case the website).

Share your history plus background, where you came from, how many years you’ve been in the business, etc.

The more details you give, the better your users can form a bond and build trust with you.

Contact Page

Your contact information should be obvious and easy to access; don’t hide it in the footer.

The article “Tips for Creating a First-Class Personal Portfolio” also give some great additional information on creating a great portfolio website.

Tip #5: Social Media Advice

Even if you’re not seeking a position in social media, there’s been a essential shift in recruiting and screening techniques that have created a an opening for potential employers to look at you not as only a candidate but also for your social interactions. Thankfully, updating your social media accounts is within your control.

Tips For A Professional Social Media Site:

  • Check all social sites to make sure they are to professional standards.

  • If not turn all non-professional social media sites to private until fixed.

  • Determine the size of your Network By calculating all followers from all social sites.

  • Create a SWOT Analysis to weight all the sides of your social media sites to find areas for improvement

Check out my social media SWOT Anaylsis:

Forbes’s article “45 Ways Social Media Can Land You a Job” gives some really great additional tips to make your social media accounts more professional.

I hope my advice was helpful and informative. I am Jazzalette Wandrick and my journey at Full Sail University has changed me into an even more dynamic individual. I don’t know where I would be with out this university but I cant wait to see what the future holds. Feel free to contact me for all your media communication needs.

Thank you for your time!

I hope you enjoyed my creations, and feel free to leave some feedback. Keep your eyes ready for the next post.

Until next time my Fierce readers.

Stay Fierce!

Yours Truly,


Jazzalette Wandrick

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