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MCBS Portfolio Project Submission: Detroit 2.0 Rebrand Project

Hello my Fierce readers,

I am here today with a brand new post.

Project Descriptions:

ONE(1) Star Project Approval Rating

This Re-Brand Pitch was created for the class Public Relations at Full Sail University. This is a one star submission for my Full Sail University portfolio. This Re-Brand Pitch was a Week 3 Final Project. This activity was intended to challenge our creatively. There were not many requirements as to what style we should use for the pitch but more of what content the pitch should have.

The situation we used were chosen from a list of fictatious examples.

The situation i used is as follows:

Case #10 – Please, don’t go there! Detroit, Michigan is rumored to be one of the most dangerous places to live. A city that used to be the motor capital of the USA is now going under a million-dollar revitalization. The mayor of the city has hired your services as public relations professional to rebrand the city in hopes to attract new business and people who are relocating.

Detroit 2.0 Rebrand Video:

Commerical (ANR) Script: Link\

Commerical (ANR): Link

Press Release: Link

Creative Breif: Link

BackGrounder: Link

White Paper: Link

New Logo & Brand Colors:

Code Of Ethics:

PR Plan:

Guerilla Marketing Plan:


  • Create a visually dynamic re-brand pitch for the city of Detroit, MI that is made completely by me solely.

  • To present myself as creative.

  • Create a unique assignment

  • Go above what was required

  • Incorporate unique designs into the pitch.

  • To remain copyright compliant with this pitch.

  • The pitch being a representation of the brand being used.

  • Should contain our business card, your personal brand logo, social media and web banner

  • The creation of the new brand should be clean, not distracting and supportive of the personal brand narrative.

  • Be tastefully creative.


  • Created a visually dynamic re-brand pitch that host lots of eye candy

  • Created a pitch that was unique among my peers.

  • Added features that was above and beyond what was requested

  • Incorporated all requested content

  • I remained copyright compliant with this pitch.


I received great feedback from my professor on an excellent job done. Project was said to only have a few corrections. All feedback was positive and the feed back from my peer was a positive. I followed the instructors suggestion to check spelling errors, as well as to change some images in my rebrand pitch video. I tried to make every thing professional and treat this assignment like I do all assignemnts like a real client.


Final Cut Pro

Adobe Creative Suit

Microsoft Word

Power Point

Quick TIme

Grage Band

I hope you enjoyed my creations, and feel free to leave some feedback. Keep your eyes ready for the next post.

Until next time my Fierce readers.

Stay Fierce!

Yours Truly,


Jazzalette Wandrick

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