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Analysis: Site Launch Feedback

Hello my Fierce readers,

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Im here today with a new post, this time I was to analize a video led by my web design professor. This video was about the archived feedback provided to previous students on their fictitious web sites. The questions and feeback are listed below. This was a very helpful video not just for this weeks projec and futrue asiignments. But it was alos very helpful for changes that I can make to my website.

So with that being said lets jump right on in

Site Launch Feedback

What struck you most about the sites reviewed?

What stood out to me most about the sites reviewed is the fact that it was stressed how important the use of the navigation bar is. That if its utilized correctly it could be the more important part of your website because it would hold the most important information.

Plus having the most vital information above the fold. In addition to making sure ever thing stays consistent with the brands colors plus image all the way to the background. The choice of font has to stay consistent as well.

Identify 3 specific issues discussed - How will you avoid the same mistakes on your own site?

One specific issue that was discussed was a brands logo was used a little to much through out a website and it was redundant to do so. To avoid this I would use the name of the brand in text a few times in place of the logo. As well as the provide brand imagery instead so that thing wont become redundant.

The second specific issue that was discussed was a issue with the logo and navigation bar over lapping text and going behind content and vice versa. I would avoid this by making sure every thing works functionally first then ascetically.

The third specific issue that was discussed was bunching testimonials together plus not giving them a good header. I will avoid this issue by spacing the testimonials out and giving each its own unique feel while still keeping everything consistent with the client’s needs plus brand

What do you need to spend more time researching?

I need to spend more time on researching designing plus making things work ascetically especially color choices. I need to research more on how to brand a website with out being redundant. How to clearly portray a brand with out loosing their needs and mission.

What will you do differently as a result of seeing this feedback?

After watching this video I will choose wisely now when picking a website. I will defiantly be more carful with font choice making sure to stay consistent across all pages of the website. I will now try to think more as the brand plus keep all of my clients needs in mind. The last thing that I will do differently as results of the feedback that I seen is make sure that I check everything more than once. Then check it again with fresh eyes as well as having some one else check too.

I hope you enjoyed my analysis, and feel free to leave some feedback. Keep your eyes ready for the next post.

Until next time my Fierce readers.

Stay Fierce!

Yours Truly,


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