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MCBS Portfolio Project Submission: Self Portrait Final Cut

Hello my Fierce readers,

I am here today with a brand new post.

Project Descriptions:

ONE(1) Star Project Approval Rating

Link to Deliverable:

This Self Portrait was created for the class Digital Video & Editing Principles at Full Sail University. This is a one star submission for my Full Sail University portfolio. This Self Portrait was a Week 3 Final Project. This activity was intended to challenge our creatively. We had a blank canvas to use. We could use any style or genre, but needed to avoid "cute," "trite," "obvious," "cliché," or "unoriginal" videos I shot all the video alone with no help. The video is showing me in a lot of my most comfortable environments. This video should give you a perfect perspective of who I am and what I stand for. The voice over is an original poem written and spoken by me


  • Create a visually dynamic video that is made completely by me solely.

  • To present myself as creative.

  • Create a unique assignment

  • Go above what was required

  • Incorporate unique designs into the Self-portrait.

  • To remain copyright compliant with this video, including any music that was used.

  • The video being a representation of myself.

  • Create the video in Adobe Premiere Pro

  • All of the visual elements must be shot by myself.


  • Created a visually dynamic self-portrait that host lots of eye candy that included vital footage about myself.

  • Created a self-portrait that was unique among my peers.

  • Added features that was above and beyond what was requested

  • Incorporated dynamic transitions

  • The video was created in Adobe Premiere Pro CC

  • I remained copyright compliant with this video, including any music that was used.


I received great feedback from my professor on an excellent job done as well as won the "No Prize I'm A Winner Award". No corrections were given, project was said to be error free. All feedback was positive and the feed back from my peer was a positive. He stated corrections that need to be made, but were already competed in my final cut.


Olympus Pen E-P3 DSLR Camera


Sony Xperia Z1 Android Phone.

Adobe Premiere Creative Cloud.

Garage Band

I hope you enjoyed my creations, and feel free to leave some feedback. Keep your eyes ready for the next post.

Until next time my Fierce readers.

Stay Fierce!

Yours Truly,


Jazzalette Wandrick

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