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AET Exploration: Emotional Design In Advertising Week 1

Why hello there my Fierce readers,

Im here with a new post for my new class AET. This month I will be covering some design topics, so lets dive right in...


Visceral Design

Page Link: Brothers

Explanation: This print ad shows lots of sex appeal but in a tasteful manner. It caught my attention with all the vibrant colors. The car draws you in to the print ad enchanting you with the all the color splashes and the red of the car. It makes you want to find out more about it with an alluring effect. The subtle use of the words “New” and “Juke” help you to identify its a new version of the Nissan Juke or as they word it its the “little brother”. The fun playful elements brings the print ad to life.


Behavioral Design

Page Link: Rhythm

Explanation: This print ad came to my attention because of the lively graphics. It shows the great features of this printer when it comes to print work for CDs. Imediatetly i wanted to know more and felt compel to check it out. The print ad is very captivating and inviting when you place your eyes on it. It gives you the whimsical party theme, that printing is lots of fun. It addresses your immediate practical needs showing that you can print all sorts of things. There are other versions of this add showing other things you are able to print. It is a really catchy ad to look at and inspect. It show cases its innovative features and that these features are smooth and fast. With the use of all the colors and the lay out of the CDs as if they are coming at you and flying off the paper is really great imagery work that gives you the"must have qualities”.


Reflective Design

Page Link: Knife, 1

Explanation: This print ad caught my eye immediately and gained my attention because the imagery is strong and breath taking. It is a conversational piece. This is a big issue and message that is looked at in such a small light and view. “Allowing a baby one to sleep on its stomach and then two allowing the baby to sleep in the bed with you is very dangerous “ is the message that is being conveyed. This topic and message is controversial because some think it is ok and is a cultural standard, and to some it is not ok and does not meet there standards personally or culturally. At some points all adults could relate to this piece dealing with babies with friends or family. This piece hits home with me being a mother and previously having lots of talks with doctors about this topic. The message is trying to help with life long benefits.

Yours Truly,


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