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Week 3 Project: Digital Storytelling with Mobile Devices Challenge

Why hello there my Fierce readers,

Here with another post this time my team and I have created an amazing video thats going to go viral! Lets dig in to this post:

Team Roles;

Elizabeth Peterson: Team Lead, Photographer/ Media Producer

Mobile Apps/Online Tools Used: Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Pixlr, Dropbox, Mightybell, Facebook

Jazzalette Wandrick: Researcher, Strategist , Vide Editor, Media Designer

Mobile Apps/Online Tools Used: iPad, Pixlr Express, iMovie for iPad, cute CUT, Sony phone, DropBox, Mightybell

Lisa McKnight: Audio Engineer, Script Writer

Mobile Apps/Online Tools Used: Samsung Galaxy, Soundcloud, DropBox, Mightybell

Raymond Manning: Lead Writer, Documentarian

Mobile Apps/Online Tools Used: -----


Our team project started with Lisa creating the Mightybell circle for us to all communicate on. I took initiative to choose the job of the researcher and strategist. I researched different apps for my team to use to create this project. Once we all came together on the Mightybell Platform we started brainstorming and Lisa came up with the California Oranges brand idea. She felt that is was a great idea because our Photographer/Team Lead lives in California so she thought that she would be able to capture the California scenery and a being that Californians are focused on healthy eating she felt this would be a great point to bring out in our script. Lisa created our script after taking over the lead writer role from our other team member. She also was the audio engineer and she used the Soundcloud app on her Samsung Galaxy phone to record the audio for our project. Beth did mainly all the photography for our video being that she took the role of the photographer. She also took over our other group members role of being the documentarian. She used her Samsung Galaxy Nexus phone along with her Pixlr app to take the great visual that our movie houses. Once all the media came together from my team mates I brought everything together by editing the photos with Pixlar and bring out the orange in all the photos. I also edited the audio by chopping it so that it would go with the flow of the picture by using Cute CUT. Then I took the audio from Cute CUT and imputed into iMovie were I took all of our media and audio and started the design, and video editing process. I then took the final video and uploaded to Youtube for my team via my Youtube account. I used my iPad as the mobile device to create the video; Again I as well used Pixlr to edit the photos, and Cute CUT and iMovie to edit and create the video. That was my teams overall method from begging to end. During the process we did have to go back to restructure our script and make some changes, but we did so accordingly in a very professionals and while creating non-shambolic work like the true media professionals that we are

Lets cover some questions:

What was your role in the team? What did you contribute?

My roles again in this team challenge was the Video Editor, Researcher, Strategist and media designer. I contributed my own pictures, a long with coming up with the design of the video and editing the pictures. I also will be coming up with the best plan to get the most views for our team in this challenge and then execute that plan through promotions.

What surprised you about the challenge?

What surprised me the most about this challenge is just that I though this assignment was going to be challenging. That having to create a whole video with people who don't event live in the same state as me seem impossible. But it was none of those things. It was actually really great and I had a magnificent team to work with and I would more that happy to work with them in the future again without a doubt.

What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of creating this project solely on mobile apps. I never thought about doing this before and now my mind is open to many possibilities.

Was it indeed a challenge? Why or why not?

The only thing I felt like was a challenge was misunderstanding people via text. Its very easy to read something as one thing when it was written in a different voice.

All and All this was a great experience and I could have had a better team! Please enjoy Our California Oranges!

Keep you eyes peeled for the next post. Until next time my Fierce readers!

Yours Truly,


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