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Week 2 Analysis: Businesses & The Visual Web

Hello once again my Fierce readers.

I’m here with another businesses & visual web analysis. This time I will be analyzing: Full Sail University on Pinterest, Dollar Shave Club on Instagram, and Science World on Facebook. Lets dig right in!

The visual content that Full Sail shares on its Pinterest page is mainly about its school but it doesn't limit its self to just that. Full Sail steps out of its brand and is not afraid to show its character by showing you not just Full Sail but also its surroundings like the board for food around Full Sail. I looked at it like an interesting hub housing college help information, and topics that will spark interests to many different creative paths. For example there is a section for fun food it's not Full Sail related but its there to grasp interest. The content Fully supports the Full Sail brand, it has boards dedicated to student works, Full Sail Degrees, the campus, Full Sail swag and much more. Full Sail engages with their students on Pinterest by creating various boards, with appealing information that there students can repost and share with their own followers, or keep the information for their selves.

Dollar Shave Club shares content related mainly to their brand. The content that they display has quotes and photos of their team and experiences. The content that Dollar Shave Club displays completely supports their brand. There not afraid to go outside the box and use humor and unique techniques to showcase their brand. All images that they post are fully brand related. Dollar Shave Club has images that are from their contest and images supporting manliness which are all part of their brand. Dollar Shave Club engages with their audience though picture post hat broad class slogans and inspiring images. They show that they are more than just a brand they are a team, thats breaking the mold in the shaver industry.

The visual content that Science World shares on Facebook is mainly science related. There are lots of images of children interacting with each other whiled doing science projects. All the content on Facebook fully supports the Science World brand. All the images are nothing but Science world brand related. The pictures broadcast science tips, facts and fun experiments. Along with images of Science Worlds events. The page show kids that there is more to science and that science can be fun. Science World engages with their clients through Facebook status updates, photos, a comments section so their followers can interact back with them, along with direct messaging and reviews.

This was a businesses & visual web analysis. I hoped you enjoyed it, stay tuned for the next post!

Yours Truly,


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