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Week 2 Practice: Visual Communication

Hey my Fierce readers,

Im here with another media post. I used the site Popplet to create this image. I choose to share my media Image because media is a very influential part of my life.I choose the images I did because I felt they help depict the the categories the are connected to. For the media category I choose the headphones because now a days music which is media is in high demand and so are these bluetooth headphones. Fro me music is one of the stronger forms of media because its something that everyone can relate to. I used the computer lab picture, to represent how media is used in groups. Now days everyone is using a computer also connection in group environments via the internet are very popular. Sd cards are a great from of media because its allowing its user to move great amounts of media at one time on one device. The jumbotron picture is a big form of media as well because they can broadcast greats amount of information to many people at one time plus i feel its a form of media that does not get great amounts of recognition. All the pictures depict great forms of media . Check out the other pictures I created on Popplet for my Week 2 Practice: Visual Communication. Here. Hope you enjoyed my post, check back for another media update. Until then my Fierce readers.

Yours Truly,


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