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Week 1 Analysis: Businesses & Blogs

Hey my Fierce readers,

I’m here with another media post. This time I will be analyzing three different Blogs: The Full Sail Blog, Dollar Shave Club Blog, and Science World Blog. Building online presence and visibility is a very important thing and I feel the Full Sail Blog and Science World Blog did a great job at doing this there sites were great. But the Full Sail Blog was the best to me, and I'm not just saying that because I am a student. When I go to a website I really like to see a lot of interaction and the Full Sail Blog did this the best. The Dollar Shave Club Blog I felt could work on their presence, but it was still a greatly design blog. These three blogs are very similar, they all are geared to a younger crowd and are very informative. All of these blogs are innovative for each of their perspective industries. Dollar Shave Club Blog, and Science World Blog are similar, with the fact that they use comedy for some of their post and it seems they gear their post to the things they think there reader would like to read. Were the Full Sail Blog does this but their topics are restricted to only the college campus attractions, events, and things of that sort. The Full Sail Blog, and the Dollar Shave Club Blog are similar because they are both about building long lasting relationships and not just informing you or luring you to their site. They actually take the time to make there readers feel like there websites are more than just a brand. Were the Science World Blog seem as if it is a for profit and for join site. The really just make you feel like there only goal is for you to join science world. The Science World Blog and Full Sail Blog are similar to each other because the both are innovative and clean sites. They are very informative of their brands and they bring their site to life. They promote there brands events and affiliates. They have very interesting blog post to read that are eye catching and trendy. The Dollar Shave Club Blog is different from these blogs because it is really only about their own brand Dollar shave. The site is not as complex of innovative as the other blogs. The Science World Blog is unique because it is about science and has really interesting and cool blogs about different things that they did with science. Like building a picture with legos. The Full Sail Blog is unique because it is solely about the college Full Sail University and all of it dealings. It helps to keep readers up to date with its alumni students and all up and coming projects. The Dollar Shave Club Blog is unique because its promoting its shaving brand. But it also has very helpful blogs for men like cancer awareness. It is also unique because it is geared towards men. I had a great time review and analyzing these three blogs. Until next time my Fierce reader, check back in for my next post!

Yours Truly,


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